Wednesday 20 July 2011

Random Google+ Waitlist Guy...when is my turn?

Is anyone else still getting the ‘Google+ is in limited Field Trial’ & you are not part of it feeling? At the Google Plus page I’m getting the “At the moment, we're testing with a small number of people, but it won't be long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone. Leave us your email address and we'll make sure that you're the first to know when we're ready to invite more people.”  My name is not William Shatner, I heard he liked it or Mark Zuckerberg, I heard he wants to keep tabs on it. So I’m waiting for when they want to invite more people….but wait, it goes on to say “Already invited? We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon.” Don't you love the word SOON. My Dad used that word alot on trips. Ok….. they have learned from Disney, just when you think you are close to the front of the line you turn the corner and *presto*….tons more people.  It’s like waiting for your table to be called at a wedding reception. Hurry up and wait!!. Tables close to you are coming back with full plates that look great…… and smell good.  So far Google Plus rates a minus with me. Sincerly.... Random Google+ Waitlist Guy

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